RNC Day 1
Checking in from the floor of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee!
Video: Spokane, Day 1
Here’s the first of a few check-ins from the Washington State Republican Party Convention on April 18th, where I was honored to serve on the State Platform Committee.
Video: Voter Roll Cleanup
Keeping the rolls clean is essential to protecting the value of every voter’s voice. Click on the VOLUNTEER link to sign up and help with this very important responsibility.
Democracy vs Constitutional Republic
Our forefathers entrusted us with this republic, and gave us the Constitution as a tool to preserve our liberties and guard against tyranny. Today, these ideals are threatened by–of all things–the notion of democracy.
Understanding a few key concepts will aid in greatly preserving our America, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Video: Inspired to Serve
Jolie shares the story of how her grandfather’s military service led her to serve in local government.
Video: Local Government
What’s life like participating in the local GOP? Take a look!
Community Cleanup
Fixing our community starts at the ground level. My husband Zachary and I were happy to join the cleanup effort this past weekend, rain and all! It was nice to spend a couple hours with friends new and old, taking care of the town that means so much to all of us. Special thanks to Mayor Harrell for sponsoring this event!
Audio: Interview with Ari Hoffman
Jolie joined Ari Hoffman to discuss creating a new party platform that better reflects King County.