Public Safety
A healthy and thriving community begins with the safety of its residents. Together, we can take immediate action to make our neighborhoods safe for all residents.
A healthy and thriving community begins with the safety of its residents. Together, we can take immediate action to make our neighborhoods safe for all residents.
Small and family-owned businesses are the backbone of our community. Let's support them and help lift the burdens of overregulation.
The hope of a better future lies in the hands of our children. By investing in their education, we help to assure that future for them and for our entire community.
Hard times have hit homeowners, renters, the homeless, and Section 8 families alike. The legislature must address these issues promptly and efficiently.
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Hi, Jolie here… Wife, Mom, small business owner and public servant.
It’s been an honor to serve our community as PCO and LD Chair these last 4 years.
Born and raised in Burien, I remember Seattle as a safe and vibrant place. We are not experiencing that same safety and beauty today but together and with my experience we can bring it back.
A lot of what we are seeing is the fruit of poor policy and weak legislative decisions that have increased the size of our government and our taxes.
And though I voted Democrat for 20 years, I’m on your ballot to stand against large government and even larger tax burdens that come with weak policies.
We, the people of King County, are good–we naturally want a clean environment, healthy families, safe streets, and we value our freedom to make personal choices regarding our businesses, health and families. I stand with the 400,000 largely independent King County residents who signed the recent “Let’s Go Washington” initiatives.
Our Seattle is a beautiful place to live. There are 153,000 of us here in Washington’s 34th Legislative District–from the Port through West Seattle, Burien, and to Vashon Island. There’s no problem we can’t solve together.
Send me to Olympia and put a representative for us back in the House.
Paid for by “Friends Of Jolie”
PO Box 16716, Seattle WA 98116